The Relationship of Universal Nurse Knowledge Precautions with Precautions for Nosocomial Infections
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The low awareness of nurses to carry out nursing actions causes nurses to be very vulnerable to transmission of infection because nurses in providing nursing care to patients will have direct contact with blood and body fluids. Universal precautions require health workers to treat all patients equally using universal precautions regardless of the disease.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the knowledge of nurses about Universal Precaution and the prevention of Nosocomial Infections at the Royal Prima Prima Hospital in Medan. This type of research is analytic with a cross-sectional design. The population in this study were all nurses in the ICU, NICU, PICU, and inpatient disease rooms and postoperative rooms as many as 58 people. Sampling in this study was to use a saturated sampling of 58 people.
The results of the study with the results of the chi-square test with a degree of significance (α) = 0.05 and df = 4 obtained the calculation results, namely X²count 16.948 > X²table 9.488 and p-value = 0.002, then Ha is accepted, namely there is a relationship between nurses' knowledge about Universal Precautions and Nosocomial infection prevention measures.
In conclusion, there is a relationship between nurses' knowledge of Universal Precaution and Nosocomial Infection prevention measures in hospitals. It is expected that respondents will increase their knowledge about Universal Precautions so that preventive measures are carried out properly and in accordance with standards so that Nosocomial Infections can be prevented
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